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Emily Williams-Wheeler

Moorhead, MN

Visual, Sculpture, Pottery
Workshops for Adults, Demonstrate, Serve as a Juror, Consultant

Emily Williams-Wheeler’s artwork is collected worldwide. She has exhibited widely in solo and group shows. Her work is found in civic, medical, educational, corporate, and residential installations. Her most recent project spans 55’ across a major skyway in downtown Fargo. She was selected as “Outstanding Artist of 2018” by The Arts Partnership because she began the first and only artist residency program in a mall in the US (in partnership with West Acres Mall). You can see her work in the newly completed Fargo City Hall. In 2017, Williams-Wheeler’s acrylic/mixed-media painting, “Weather Permitting,” was selected for the cover of European art magazine, 1340ART, Q3. She was named North Dakota Artist of the Year by the prestigious TOSCA Magazine of Minneapolis, MN. In 2018, her show, “Lint in My Pocket” toured the state, sponsored by the North Dakota Art Gallery Association.

Williams-Wheeler has been offering creative thinking and art appreciation classes to children of all ages for nearly 15 years. Her studio is in Moorhead..

Phone: (701) 446-7675

