Browse Artists

A map of the state of Minnesota highlights the area of nine counties within the LRAC region. Next to this is an enlarged map of the region with each county labeled according to the list of counties including Clay, Becker, Wilkin, Otter Tail, Traverse

Artists found on the LRAC Artist Registry reside and practice within the LRAC nine-county region, seen in the map above. Counties found within the LRAC region of Minnesota include Clay, Becker, Wilkin, Otter Tail, Traverse, Grant, Douglas, Stevens, and Pope.


Rebecca Albright - Douglas County, Alexandria, MN - Visual


Barbara Benda - Clay County, Moorhead, MN - Visual - Teach K-12, Residency Programs, Workshops for Adults, Demonstrate, Serve as a Juror, Consultant

Cailey Birchem - Traverse County, Wheaton, MN - Visual, Design, Media, Literary - Workshops, Teach, Demonstrate, Serve as a Juror, Consultant

LeAnn Bjerken - Otter Tail County, Fergus Falls, MN - Music, Literary

Naomi Bjorklund - Pope County, Farwell, MN - Visual, Artisan, Folk Art

Kim Bromley - Otter Tail County, Pelican Rapids, MN - Visual, Painting - Workshops, Demonstrate, Serve as a Juror, Teach, Consultant

Carmen Bruhn - Becker County, Detroit Lakes, MN - Visual - Workshops

Michael Burgraff - Otter Tail County, Fergus Falls, MN - Visual, Theatre, Design - Teach K-12, Residency Programs, Workshops for Adults, Workshops for Children, Demonstrate, Serve as a Juror, Consultant

Lisa Burns - Clay County, Downer, MN - Visual, Artisan - Workshops for Adults, Demonstrate, Serve as a Juror, Consultant

Blayze Buseth - Otter Tail County, Fergus Falls, MN - Visual, Media - Teach K-12, Workshops for Adults, Workshops for Children, Consultant, Serve as a Juror


Della Conroy - Stevens County, Hancock, MN - Visual, Painting

Tricia Coulson - Becker County, Rochert, MN - Visual


Deanna Dahlsad - Clay County, Moorhead, MN - Visual, Folk Art - Serve as a Juror

Calvin deRuyter - Douglas County, Evansville, MN - Visual - Workshops for Adults, Demonstrate, Serve as a Juror

Clarice Dieter - Stevens County, Morris, MN - Visual, Painting

Nori Donais - Otter Tail County, Fergus Falls, MN - Visual, Design, Media, Animation, Digital Painting, Photobashing - Workshops for Children, Demonstrate

Ann DuHamel - Stevens County, Morris, MN - Music - Workshops, Teach, Perform


Gordon Ekberg - Grant County, Herman, MN - Literary, Nonfiction

Kim Embretson - Otter Tail County, Fergus Falls, MN - Visual, Oil Painting, Pastels - Demonstrate


Chalsey Falk - Grant County, Barrett, MN - Visual, Design, branding, murals, illustration, websites, marketing materials - Workshops for Adults, Workshops for Children, Demonstrate, Consultant

Sandy Freeman - Douglas County, Alexandria, MN - Visual - Workshops for Adults, Demonstrate


Timothy Green - Otter Tail County, Rothsay, MN - Visual - Demonstrate, Serve as a Juror, Consultant

Paul Greene - Clay County, Moorhead, MN - Music - Perform

Bridget Guiza - Becker County, Detroit Lakes, MN - Music - Teach, Perform, Consultant


Victoria Hanna - Otter Tail County, Fergus Falls, MN - Visual - Workshops for Adults, Demonstrate,

Ruth Hanson - Otter Tail County, Vining, MN - Visual - Workshops for Adults, Demonstrate

Jackie Henning - Douglas County, Evansville, MN - Visual, Painter, Photographer, Videographer - Serve as a Juror

Stephen Henning - Douglas County, Evansville, MN - Visual, Painting - Workshops for Adults, Residency Programs, Demonstrate, Consultant

Kay Hilde - Clay County, Moorhead, MN - Visual, Design, Media - Residency Programs, Workshops for Adults, Workshops for Children, Demonstrate, Consultant

Olivia Hoppe - Douglas County, Alexandria, MN - Artisan, Folk Art

Annie Hough - Clay County, Moorhead, MN - Theatre - Residency Programs, Workshops for Adults, Workshops for Children


Daniel Johnson - Clay County, Moorhead, MN - Visual, Design, Media - Consultant


Patty Kakac - Douglas County, Evansville, MN - Music - Teach K-12, Perform

Scott Kiemle - Otter Tail County, Vining, MN - Graphic Design, Website Design, Computer Arts, Painting, Oil Pastel, Graphics, Visual - Workshops for Adults, Workshops for Children, Demonstrate, Consultant

Athena Kildegaard - Stevens County, Morris, MN - Literary - Teach K-12, Residency Programs, Workshops for Adults, Workshops for Children, Demonstrate, Perform, Serve as a Juror, Consultant

Chanda Kraft - Douglas County, Alexandria, MN - Design, Visual - Workshops, Demonstrate, Serve as a Juror, Teach

Kristi Kuder - Otter Tail County, Battle Lake, MN - Visual - Residency Programs, Workshops for Adults, Teach K-12, Demonstrate, Serve as a Juror, Consultant


Michael Lackey - Stevens County, Morris, MN - Literary, Philosophy, German

Danielle Laine-Patton - Pope County, Cyrus, MN - Artisan, Acrylic Art - Workshops, Teach, Demonstrate, Serve as a Juror, Consultant

Kim A Larson - Clay County, Moorhead, MN - Literary - Workshops for Adults, Workshops for Children

Nicole Larson - Otter Tail County, Battle Lake, MN - Visual, Design

Anna Lassonde - Becker County, Detroit Lakes, MN - Visual, Design, Media - Workshops for Adults, Workshops for Children, Demonstrate, Serve as a Juror

Su Legatt - Clay County, Moorhead, MN - Design, Media, Visual, Folk Art - Workshops, Demonstrate, Serve as a Juror, Teach, Consultant

Sara Lott - Otter Tail County, Fergus Falls, MN - Artisan, Jewelry

Lyssa Lovejoy - Douglas County, Evansville, MN - Dance, Visual - Workshops, Teach, Consultant


Ryota Matsumoto - Otter Tail County, Otter Tail, MN - Visual, Design, Media - Workshops for Adults, Demonstrate, Serve as a Juror

Carmen McCullough - Becker County, Detroit Lakes, MN - Visual - Workshops for Adults, Demonstrate, Consultant

Faythe Mills - Pope County, Glenwood, MN - Media


Leigh Nelson - Becker County, Detroit Lakes, MN - Visual, Design, Media - Workshops, Teach, Serve as a Juror

Rhea Northington - Douglas County, Alexandria, MN - Visual - Workshops, Demonstrate, Serve as a Juror, Consultant


Karan Ouren - Otter Tail County, Fergus Falls, MN - Visual - Workshops, Teach


Craig Palm - Grant County, Ashby, MN - Visual, Design, Artisan - Serve as a Juror, Consultant

Jodi Peterson - Clay County, Moorhead, MN - Visual, Artisan - Teach K-12, Workshops for Adults, Workshops for Children, Demonstrate, Serve as a Juror, Consultant


Tanya Ramsey - Becker County, Detroit Lakes, MN - Visual, Design

Sara Ronnevik - Otter Tail County, Fergus Falls, MN - Visual, Oil Painter, Illustrator

Marcella Rose - Otter Tail County, Pelican Rapids, MN - Visual, Design, Artisan, Oil Painter, Sculptor, Jewelry Design, Giclee Printing, Mixed Media - Workshops, Teach, Demonstrate, Serve as a Juror, Consultant

Robin Lin Ryding - Douglas County, Alexandria, MN - Dance, Theatre, Stage Movement, Literary, Visual, Design, Digital Art, Photo Editing - Workshops for Adults, Workshops for Children, Demonstrate, Perform, Consultant


Myron Sahlberg - Douglas County, Alexandria, MN - Visual - Workshops for Adults, Demonstrate, Teach

Manjusha Saraswathiamma - Clay County, Moorhead, MN - Visual - Workshops for Adults, Demonstrate, Serve as a Juror, Consultant

Bob Satterlie - Otter Tail County, Pelican Rapids, MN - Literary - Teach, Consultant

Sandra Shaughnessy - Otter Tail County, Ottertail, MN - Visual, Design, Ceramics - Residency Programs, Workshops for Adults, Demonstrate, Serve as a Juror, Consultant

Lee Smalt - Otter Tail County, Fergus Falls, MN - Visual, Design, Media, Web Design, Motion Design, Interactive Design, Photography - Workshops for Adults, Demonstrate, Serve as a Juror, Consultant

Trudy Stubson - Clay County, Moorhead, MN - Visual, Drawing, Oil Pastels, Watercolor, Acrylic - Teach K-12, Residency Programs, Workshops for Adults, Demonstrate, Serve as a Juror


Jon Thompson - Douglas County, Alexandria, MN - Visual

Sharon Trieglaff Jons - Becker County, Frazee, MN - Visual, Sculpture, Fiber Art, Jewelry, Artisan


Nancy XiáoRong Valentine - Otter Tail County, Fergus Falls & Underwood, MN - Visual, Watercolor, Gouache, Chinese Ink - Perform, Demonstrate, Consultant, Serve as a Juror


Patricia Wahl - Otter Tail County, Fergus Falls, MN - Visual - Workshops, Teach, Serve as a Juror

Michael Weatherly - Grant County, Elbow Lake, MN - Visual - Teach K-12, Residency Programs, Workshops for Adults, Workshops for Children, Demonstrate, Serve as a Juror,

Erinn Webb - Otter Tail County, Fergus Falls, MN - Visual - Teach, Demonstrate, Serve as a Juror, Consultant

Mary Jo Wentz - Otter Tail County, Battle Lake, MN - Visual - Workshops, Demonstrate, Serve as a Juror, Teach, Consultant

Mary Williams - Otter Tail County, Clitherall, MN - Visual - Workshops for Adults, Demonstrate, Serve as a Juror,

Emily Williams-Wheeler - Clay County, Moorhead, MN - Visual, Sculpture, Pottery - Workshops for Adults, Demonstrate, Serve as a Juror, Consultant


Laura Youngbird - Wilkin County, Breckenridge, MN - Visual - Workshops, Teach, Demonstrate, Serve as a Juror, Consultant, Curator


Carl Zachmann - Otter Tail County, Fergus Falls, MN - Artisan - Serve as a Juror, Consultant